Saturday, May 16, 2009

2009 Cincinnati Walk Now for Autism

The walk went very well today. We had 5 people inquire about buying the puzzle piece purses. We may have also found a building for the autism resource center. I had a table at the walk as well and gave away over 15 copies of the resource list. I wish I could've given more, but that's all I was able to bring with me. I gave a lot of people my home e-mail address so I can e-mail them the links to Autism Speaks First 100 Days Kit, as well as the Kentucky Family Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders. I even received a request asking for information about support groups. I was so happy to be able to say that we have one! No parent should be going through this struggle alone. Whether you've gotten a diagnosis or waiting for one, you shouldn;t have to go through it alone. We're here to help, and will do what we can to find the resources and support you need.

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